Let’s Get Organized: Babysitter Printout

Babysitter Printout  Keep everything your sitter needs to know in one spot! {The Mommy Games}

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these Let’s Get Organized posts. Honestly, I’ve been on a sort of mental summer break myself and have felt anything but organized. I sat down the other day and made a list of all the closets I want to reorganize and various things that needed to be done around the apartment. This list ended up being over 30 items long. I then proceeded to open my kindle and get lost in new book, because really, it was just too much for my checked out brain to handle at the moment.

As much as I would like to just snap my fingers and everything be done, sometimes the only way is to just chip at it bit by bit. So I started with one of the easiest points – redoing the list I leave for our babysitters that is always on the side of the refrigerator. Do you use an information sheet like this? I think it’s so helpful to a sitter, and also makes life more convenient for you since you won’t have to scramble to remember and write out all this every time you need to leave the kids. This one includes important numbers (I always include the pediatrician, vet, and poison control, as well as any necessary family members), home address, major schedule points, and also some extra information that might be helpful to the sitter. I started writing favorite toys, foods, etc. at the suggestion of one of our sitters who says this is the one thing she wished parents would share more often.

Click the link below to download and customize your own version:

Babysitter Printout {The Mommy Games} Keep everything your sitter needs to know in one spot!

What do your summer “to-do” projects include? Or are you waiting for the kids to get back in school before tackling something major?



  1. I babysit on an occasional basis… this would be so helpful on my side of things!!
    Gemmi recently posted..New Blog…My Profile

    • Thanks Gemmi! I actually got the idea from one of our sitters who told me exactly what she would like to know for each family.

  2. Not only a great idea for your sitters, but as a grandparent, it is extremely helpful when we’re visiting and want to keep everything as “normal” as possible.